Art and Entertainment
With so many sites to browse we've saved you time by putting together our own personal recommendations covering travel guides, things to do, eat/drink/dance, further-a-field and recommended accommodation.
Whatever and where-ever you end up we hope you have a great trip!
ARTSCAPE THEATRE CENTREDF Malan Street …opera, ballet, dance, music, musicals, jazz, and drama. |
THE BAXTER THEATRE CENTRE...four performance venues and two rehearsal rooms hosting the very best in new emerging South African talent. Named after former Cape Town mayor who donated money to the university to build a theatre.
FINE ART PORTFOLIO...representing a collection of established art galleries. With over 5000 original artworks by more than 200 artists, it also offers one of the largest selections of fine art for sale, via an online gallery. Worldwide delivery.
CAPE TOWN INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVALBilled as Africa's "grandest gathering' of musicians!" global acts descend on the Mother City to this hugely popular festival. Free training workshops, supported by international & local musicians and industry professionals, provide valuable insight to this developing industry. |
CAPE TOWN FASHION WEEKPromoting local designers this is Africa's premier fashion event showcasing collections of South Africa's & Africa's top designers. This week attracts international and local celebrities and encourages locals to buy local. |